How to Clean Mold in a Dishwasher

Mold can be a nuisance in any household, but it can be especially problematic in dishwashers. The warm, damp environment inside a dishwasher provides the perfect conditions for mold to grow. Over time, mold buildup can lead to stained dishes, foul odors, and potential health hazards if you have a mold allergy. While prevention is ideal, it’s common for mold to develop in dishwashers at some point. Thankfully, with the right cleaning methods, you can get rid of dishwasher mold and prevent it from coming back.

What Causes Mold in Dishwashers?

Mold spores are present in the air we breathe every day. When mold spores land on a warm, moist surface with a food source, they can rapidly multiply into mold colonies. Dishwashers provide all three elements that mold needs to thrive:

Heat – Dishwashers run at hot temperatures, often over 140°F, to sanitize dishes. The internal heat generates condensation on dishwasher walls and door seals. This warm, moist environment encourages mold growth.

Moisture – Rinse cycles leave moisture behind in the dishwasher tub, especially in crevices, gaps, and rubber seals. Leftover water pooled inside the dishwasher evaporates slowly, creating humidity. The lack of air circulation when the dishwasher door is closed further adds to the dampness.

Food debris – Tiny particles of food get trapped in dishwasher parts like the filter, pipes, and door seals. Even after the wash cycle finishes, food remains stuck in hidden areas. Food particles (especially starchy or sugary foods) supply nutrients mold needs to multiply.

Signs of Mold in a Dishwasher

Mold infestations usually start small but spread quickly in dishwashers. Look for these signs that signal a mold problem:

  • Black, green, white or orange spots or film on interior surfaces
  • Musty, earthy odor coming from dishwasher
  • Grime or slime buildup on racks, rotor, tub walls
  • Discolored rubber seals and plastic parts
  • Poor cleaning results, cloudy residue on dishes
  • Rust spots on stainless steel tub or utensil basket

Mold can be tricky to identify at first since it often grows in hidden spots inside the dishwasher. If you notice dirty dishes coming out of the washer or smells emanating when you open the door, it’s very likely you have mold.

How to Clean Mold Out of a Dishwasher

Cleaning mold out of a dishwasher takes patience and the right techniques. Mold has root-like tentacles that dig into porous surfaces, so scrubbing won’t always remove it entirely. Follow these steps for the best results:

1. Remove Dishwasher Parts

Start by removing the racks, utensil basket, rotor, filter and any other removable parts. Scrub these in the sink using hot water and an abrasive sponge or any visible gunk or mold. Let the parts air dry completely before replacing them.

2. Mix a Strong Vinegar Solution

White vinegar is a natural anti-fungal that kills mold and breaks down grime. Mix 1-2 cups of vinegar with water in a spray bottle. For tougher mold, boost the vinegar to 50% concentration or higher. Spray vinegar onto affected areas and let it soak for at least 15 minutes before scrubbing.

3. Scrub All Interior Surfaces

Use a non-scratch scrub brush, toothbrush, or other abrasive cleaning tool to vigorously scrub the dishwasher interior. Focus on crevices, cracks, and rubber gaskets where mold likes to hide. Reapply vinegar as needed to problem areas.

4. Clean and Unclog the Filter

Dishwasher filters trap food particles and debris, providing a food source for mold. Remove the filter and rinse it under hot water. For stuck-on gunk, soak the filter in vinegar or use an old toothbrush to clean it.

5. Deodorize with Baking Soda

For lingering odors even after scrubbing away visible mold, try baking soda. Place 1-2 cups of baking soda in the empty dishwasher tub. Run a hot rinse or quick cycle to coat all interior surfaces with baking soda. The baking soda will absorb foul odors.

6. Disinfect with Bleach

For severe mold infestations, regular vinegar may not eliminate the mold entirely. In that case, sanitize the dishwasher with bleach. Check your owner’s manual first, as bleach can damage some dishwasher parts. Run an empty dishwasher cycle with 1 cup of bleach in the detergent dispenser.

7. Prevent Future Mold Growth

Your dishwasher should be mold-free after deep cleaning, but that doesn’t mean the problem can’t return. Use these preventive measures going forward:

  • Leave the dishwasher door open after cycles to let the interior dry out
  • Don’t overpack dishes or cutlery in the racks to promote water circulation
  • Scrape food residue off dishes before loading them into the dishwasher
  • Clean the filter, drain, and spray arms monthly
  • Run appliance cleaner or vinegar through wash cycles to deodorize

Common Questions About Removing Dishwasher Mold

Cleaning mold out of dishwashers comes with its own unique challenges. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

What is the black stuff in my dishwasher?

Black specks and film inside a dishwasher are typically mold. Black mold is the most common dishwasher mold. The black “dirt” is actually colonies of mold spores that have spread.

Where does mold grow in a dishwasher?

The moist, porous rubber gasket around the door is the most common place to find mold. Mold also flourishes in hard plastic parts, crevices along the tub walls, the filter, and door seals. Areas that see the most water exposure are more prone to mold.

Should I replace my dishwasher for mold?

If the mold growth is contained and you thoroughly clean and disinfect the dishwasher, replacement isn’t necessary. However, if mold persists after multiple attempts to eliminate it, replacing the dishwasher may be your best option. Extensive mold damage that has spread to the motor or control panel can make fixing the dishwasher difficult.

Is it safe to use bleach to clean my dishwasher?

Check your owner’s manual before using bleach in your dishwasher, as bleach can corrode certain materials like aluminum. Use precautions and never mix bleach with vinegar or other acids. Run an empty rinse cycle after bleaching to flush it out. Limit bleach to occasional disinfecting.

Why does my dishwasher still smell bad after cleaning?

After killing visible mold, odors may linger. Run vinegar rinses and baking soda cycles to deodorize the interior. Replace old dishwasher hoses and clean door seals where smells can hide. If smells persist, mold may be growing in hard to reach places like the drain hose or pump.

Does hot water kill mold in a dishwasher?

Hot water over 140°F can kill mold spores and prevent mold growth. However, mold roots embedded in dishwasher parts will be harder to eradicate. Hot rinse cycles slow mold spread but won’t eliminate established colonies. Use heat in conjunction with scrubbing, vinegar and bleach.

Be Proactive Against Dishwasher Mold

Mold loves the dark, moist environment inside dishwashers. While regular cleaning helps, it’s impossible to keep a dishwasher mold-free forever. Traces of food and water will always remain for mold spores to feed on. The key is staying vigilant with preventive care.

Inspect dishwasher parts like seals and the filter monthly. At the first sign of mold or musty smells, take action. Remove debris, scrub away film buildup, and run vinegar or bleach cycles. Establishing good dishwasher cleaning habits will limit mold growth.

But if neglect allows mold colonies to take hold, use this guide to get rid of dishwasher mold for good. With some elbow grease and natural cleaning solutions, you can erase even severe mold issues. Taking care of a mold problem quickly also protects your dishwasher from permanent damage.

Battle Strategy for Beating Dishwasher Mold

First, you gotta remove any parts that come out – racks, filter, spray arms, etc. Get in there with a toothbrush and really scrub the gross gunk away. Don’t be shy about elbow grease!

For the interior, I’m a huge fan of vinegar for killing mold. Just let white vinegar soak on the mold for a bit before scrubbing. It’s safe for rubber and plastic parts too. If the mold is really stubborn, bleach is ideal, but check your manual because bleach can damage some dishwasher components.

Baking soda and vinegar together make a dynamite combo for removing stinky smells too. And be sure to keep moisture in check going forward – leave the door open to dry out the tub after washing.

Dishwasher Mold Fighters Comparison

Cleaning IngredientProsCons
White VinegarNon-toxic, cuts through grime & soap scum, removes odors, anti-fungalSmell of vinegar, needs scrubbing
Baking SodaDeodorizer, mild abrasive, absorbs odorsMessy, doesn’t kill mold
BleachStrong disinfectant, kills mold sporesHarsh chemical, damages some materials
BoraxAnti-fungal, non-toxic, cuts greaseNeeds rinsing, doesn’t kill all mold
Hydrogen PeroxideBreaks down organic matter, anti-fungalShort-lived effectiveness, stains fabrics

Knocking Out Mold For Good

With some diligent cleaning sessions using these ingredients, you can definitely get a dishwasher sparkling mold-free again. But maintaining your dishwasher is just as important as cleaning it.

Run appliance cleaner monthly, scrub the gaskets and filter, and always leave the door open after cycles. A clean, dry dishwasher is no fun for mold! Stay on top of dishwasher maintenance and you can stop mold in its tracks.

Let me know if you need any other troubleshooting tips for tackling dishwasher mold. I’m always happy to share my repair experience!

Frequently Asked Questions About Cleaning Dishwasher Mold

What is the best product to remove mold from rubber seals?

For rubber gaskets and seals, I’d use full-strength white vinegar. Let it soak for 15 minutes before scrubbing with a toothbrush. Avoid bleach on rubber as it can degrade the material.

Should I replace my dishwasher if there is mold inside?

Not necessarily! As long as the mold hasn’t damaged any internal parts, thorough deep cleaning should eliminate it. Replace parts like hoses or gaskets if mold is extensive. Only replace the whole dishwasher as a last resort.

How do I get rid of the musty smell in my dishwasher?

Run vinegar rinses to kill mold and odors. Baking soda cycles also help deodorize. Check the door seal and replace it if smells linger, since odors get trapped in the seal. A dishwasher cleaner monthly helps too.

Why does my dishwasher have a black film inside?

Black residue is likely mold growth, especially in humid dishwashers that aren’t dried out after use. Remove any food bits providing “fuel” for the mold. Scrub off the film with vinegar and a brush.

Is it normal for some mold to be inside a dishwasher?

A small amount of mold interior is typical over time since dishwashers can’t fully dry out. But any visible mold should be cleaned right away before colonies expand. Get ahead of mold ASAP and keep up with dishwasher maintenance.

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